Fight in the Arena is a turn-based fighting game.

Since your childhood you wanted to be a fighter. Now, you have finally the chance. A sponsor searches for new fighters in your village and hosts a small tournament.

Defeat your opponents in the arena to become the Indomitable, a title not many fighters hold. Get it now on Steam.

1.2.1 Update - Second Anniversary!

- Increased the price of the best weapon in the game
- Have a few increments instead of only one value when you try to haggle with the woman depending on your charisma
- The sentence is altered a bit if you get the highest discount
- Added a slightly altered section when you fight a specific enemy and he is on the ground when you kill him
- Removed an unnecessary space
- Corrected a word in the German localization
- Improved a few English sentences
- Improved a few German sentences
- Minor code improvement

1.2.0 Update - Easy Mode

- Added an Easy Mode
- Upgraded from Godot 3.5.3 to Godot 3.6.0
- Changed to 64 bit
- Fixed a bug which was introduced for testing which teleported you to the credits if you pressed 7
- Fixed a bug which could lead to -0 damage dealt on the player
- Fixed a bug which skipped a story section
- Fixed wrong display of percentages of several attacks
- Removed one instance of wrongly placed quotation marks
- Added the hyphen to broad-shouldered man
- Added a maximum of 100% success rate to getting your weapon back or hitting the legs of your enemy when on ground
- Changed the wording of three German sentences
- Changed the wording of several English sentences
- Added a missing word to an English sentence
- Corrected two errors in the English translation
- A couple of code improvements

1.1.0 Version - Ten Additional Sections!

- Added 10 sections which add a way to weaken the Indomitable for higher intelligence characters
- Changed the wording of a couple German sentences
- Changed the wording of three English sentences
- Took out a sentence which wouldn't make sense with the new sections
- Added missing punctuation in two instances in the German localization
- Added two missing German words
- Fixed one typo in the German localization
- Corrected a sentence in the English localization
- Followed an apparant English stylistic tradition to use blond for men instead of blonde
- Fixed a wrong number in both languages - the text said that you got 36 coins even if you only got 30
- Tripled the amount of money you get from your fight with the Indomitable
- Shortened one German sentence since it didn't fit when you played a woman
- Altered a sentence in the beginning of the story which described that former Indomitables where man or woman; since this refuted later, I changed it to only men
- Altered the attack behaviour of two enemies who are fat so that they don't run around to exhaust the player
- Minor code improvements

1.0.4 Version - Improved Text Quality

- Updated the Engine from Godot 3.5.2 to Godot 3.5.3
- Removed one double space in the German localization
- Fixed a lot of misspellings in the English localization
- Fixed a few misspellings in the German localization
- Improved the wording of a few sentences in both languages
- Added some missing words in the English localization
- Added two new pieces of armor to the market for higher price points
- Hid an option in two cases if you had less money than required because selecting it would do nothing if you had not the required amount
- Fixed a bug where a variable wasn't reverted which could lead to less money after the last tournament

1.0.3 Version - German localization improvements and bug fixes!

- Fixed a bug regarding the start menu which would always be English even though you had a savefile with German language
- Fixed another bug, the game wouldn't use your language choice if you just started the game, changed the language and then would continue (it would use the language saved)
- Fixed a bug which would revert your portrait choice if it was higher than the array of female portraits (even if you played a male character) - this was done to address another bug but I didn't implement it right
- Many improvements to the German text
- A few improvements to the English text
- Added missing text part in the fights - if your enemy or you fall under the minimum of 20 dexterity you revert back to 20 and you get a message like "You are worn out" - but this was only displayed if you had no shield
- The message "You are worn out" and the enemy equivalent is now only displayed once and won't be displayed if you (or your enemy for that matter) are on the ground or are affected by the intimidation at the moment since it is meant to signify that the value is 20 and won't increase anymore
- This message was also not shown if the value was reduced to exactly 20, this is now changed
- I also added this message if the dexterity was reduced due to the exhaust action
- If you have custom graphics for your player, the mask will not show since it would very likely look weird on custom sprites
- Added one missing level up after the fight with the red hair woman who was convicted
- Added a little sentence that acknowledges that you won on hard difficulty
- Fixed a bug, at one particular section you had two options, but if you chose the second option, nothing happened - you would have needed to hit the third non-existing option to access the second one due to a typo which happened after I duplicated a small section
- Minor code improvements

1.0.2 Version - German Localization, Text Improvements, Bug Fixes

- Added the German localization
- Many improvements to the text
- Fixed a bug relating to the choosing of the portraits (if you choose a portrait number too high on the male side, got back into the menu then chose a female character, no portrait would be loaded)
- Updated the Godot Engine from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2
- Fixed a minor bug were an option was shown at a too low amount of money (at 40 instead of 50 coins)
- Added missing option to a situation even though it is unlikely to be used
- If you damage the armor, the damage dealt isn't random anymore. Also, it is higher on average
- Added 100 missing coins to the code
- Fixed a money amount which was set too low
- After one story section two paths went to wrong sections afterwards, this is fixed now
- Fixed a bug were the player could start a fight on the ground or disarmed if he died on the ground or disarmed beforehand
- Minor code improvements

1.0.1 Version - Custom Portraits!

- Custom portraits for the player
- Custom portraits for enemies
- Many improvements to the text
- Improved the playback of sounds (in very fast situations it could happen that a sound did not play properly. This should be fixed now or at the very least happen much less often)
- Fixed a minor bug which showed Continue in the start menu when it should have shown New Game
- Deleted a few unused elements
- Minor code improvements
- The code that gives you back your values after being intimidated was falsely in the code of the enemy turn which meant that you were intimidated a turn longer than the enemy
- Fixed a bug which made the ram more powerful than intended if you or your enemy had low dexterity